What is residential Habilitation?
Residential Habilitation services consist of an integrated array of individually-tailored services and supports. These services and supports are designed to assist a participant to reside successfully in their own home, with their family, or in an alternate family home.
Supported Living
We offer a range of services and community living arrangements designed specifically for individuals with disabilities.
Community Involvement
We know the importance of going and getting outside and socializing so we offer community involvement to ensure social well-being.
Why Choose Spectrum?
We respect and trust our employees, participants, families, and friends. We strive for a kind and caring partnership.
We are an advocate for those in need and in our care. We support participant rights and help educate and empower those we serve.
Excellent care
We invest our time in training development and embrace a quality improvement process for both our participants and their staff.
Spectrum actively promotes community and family involvement for our participants. Inclusion not only lifts spirits but encourages social growth.